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Fatah and Hamas hold joint rally against UAE's normalization of relations with Israel

Headline: “The Gaza Strip: A procession against normalization with the participation of representatives from the national and Islamic action factions”





“Palestinian flags waved and revolutionary songs were heard during a mass-participant national unity procession that the national forces and social activists organized yesterday [Aug. 19, 2020] under the slogan ‘Normalization is Treason’ (refers to Israel-UAE peace agreement –Ed.). The procession set out from UNRWA Junction and reached Ansar Square that is in the western Gaza Strip…


Fatah Movement Central Committee member [and Fatah Commissioner of Mobilization and Organization in Gaza] Ahmed Helles gave a speech during which he emphasized that our people embodies unity against the plots that are targeting the Palestinian cause…


He said that… we all must unite to defend our national enterprise and defend our holy sites, our people, and our land…


Senior Hamas official Khalil Al-Hayya welcomed [PA] President Mahmoud Abbas’ call on the [Palestinian faction] secretary-generals to formulate a national strategy to deal with the challenges. He noted that this will contribute to the development of the PLO so that it will become a uniting national home that will include all our people’s groups without exception on the basis of partnership, comprehensive resistance, and struggle against the occupation, especially because no options are left other than confrontation.





Israel-UAE peace agreement (Abraham Accords)

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