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Palestinian movie lies: "the Jews refer to Palestinians as numbers - the Jews have a number complex since the time that Germany numbered them"

Movie 'Will Never Leave' produced by: 

The Civic Coalition for Defending Palestinians' Rights in Jerusalem.  

The movie deals with Israel and the settlers gaining control of Jerusalem, specifically of neighborhoods in Silwan.



Interviewee: "The Jews refer to us as numbers. They have [the Jews] a number complex since the time Germany, or not Germany, numbered them and that’s why they slaughter the Palestinian people, now we have become the victim.

[Announcer says:] “And in this way the Israeli [occupation] succeeds in expelling [us and causing] Jerusalem’s residents to leave the occupied city of Jerusalem, so they can replace them with settlers instead. And from demolishing homes and expelling the city’s residents and owners to the confiscation of its lands and digging tunnels under the Al-Asqa mosque [and ending] with revoking the identity cards of Jerusalem’s residents. Data reveals that there is an unprecedented rise in the number of identity cards of Jerusalem’s residents which are revoked, using the pretext that they reside outside the Palestinian territories or in the occupied West Bank.”

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