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PA PM: Mother of 6 murderers is “awe-inspiring”

Maurice Hirsch, Adv.  |
  • PA TV to terror-mom: “You are a school for all the mothers”

  • PA uses Ramadan as an excuse to glorify terror

After a day of fasting during the month of Ramadan, Muslims around the world enjoy a fast-breaking meal called an “iftar”. For the Palestinian Authority, even this festive meal is just another opportunity to glorify terror and declare its devotion to the terrorist prisoners.

One such event was the visit of none less than the PA Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh and Ramallah District Governor Laila Ghannam with terror mom Latifa Abu Hmeid, who is the mother of 6 murderers – 5 serving life sentences and 1 killed during an attempted arrest. At the fast-breaking mail Shtayyeh and Ghannam shared with Abu Hmeid, Shtayyeh conveyed the special blessings of PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas:

“Yesterday [April 10, 2022, PA] Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh participated in the [Ramadan] fast-breaking meal with female fighter Um Nasser Abu Hmeid (i.e., mother of terrorists responsible for at least 10 murders; see note below) at her home in Ramallah, in the presence of Ramallah and El-Bireh District Governor Laila Ghannam…

The prime minister conveyed the blessings of [PA] President Mahmoud Abbas to Um Nasser. He again emphasized that the prisoners’ cause and making every effort to release them all from the occupation’s prisons will remain at the top of the priorities of the [PA] leadership and government.

Shtayyeh saluted Um Nasser for her resolve and her awe-inspiring standing as a mother who represents all the mothers of the prisoners, as she is defending our prisoners in the occupation’s prison and waving their flag in our consciousness and in our hearts.”

[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 11, 2022]

Just days previously, official PA TV showed footage of Abu Hmeid waiting to break the fast, with pictures of her sons - the imprisoned terrorist murderers - stuck to the chairs around the table:

Official PA TV host: “In those pictures we see a Palestinian mother of five prisoners who are serving life sentences in the occupation’s prisons, while the sixth died as a Martyr, sitting alone in the Al-Amari refugee camp and eating her iftar [fast-breaking] meal. Indeed, this is the mother of the Palestinian people, Um Nasser Abu Hmeid, with her resolve, endurance, and perseverance. We ask Allah for the speedy release of her sons and ask Allah for the healing of Nasser Abu Hmeid.”

[Official PA TV, April 6, 2022]

Terrorist prisoner Nasser Abu Hmeid, is one of Latifa Abu Hmeid’s sons, and is in critical condition suffering with advanced stage cancer. He was convicted for his part in the murder of 7 Israelis and is serving 7 life sentences. As Palestinian Media Watch has already noted, the PA is doing its utmost to use Nasser Abu Hmeid’s inevitable death as an excuse to incite more terror. 

Since Abu Hmeid has at least 3 other children, in addition to the 5 imprisoned terrorist murderers, it is clear that her sitting alone at the table was nothing more than a media stunt. 

Nonetheless, shortly after the stunt, presenters on PA TV discussed the images declaring that Abu Hmeid is a “school of sacrifice, self-sacrifice, loyalty, and endurance too”:

Official PA TV host: “At the beginning of Ramadan the picture of the mother of prisoner Nasser Abu Hmeid grabbed my attention… The picture of the mother of prisoner Nasser Abu Hmeid, who all her children are in the prisons and she has a son who is a Martyr, sitting on the first day of Ramadan next to the table and waiting for the call for the evening prayer in order to eat the fast-breaking meal, with pictures of all her children on the chairs – how powerful this picture is. We say to Um Nasser Abu Hmeid and to all the mothers of Palestine: You are a school for all the mothers and women of the world in sacrifice, self-sacrifice, loyalty, and endurance too.”

[Official PA TV, Ramadan and the People, April 8, 2022]

The PA’s lauding of Abu Hmeid because of her terrorist children is nothing new. In an event organized by the European Union (EU) to celebrate International Women’s Day, and which was attended by EU Representative to the PA Sven Kuehn von Burgsdorff, PM Shtayyeh specifically singled out Abu Hmeid as “an example of a woman who is fighting and standing firm”:

“[PA] Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh said… ‘The Palestinian women are fighting to receive their rights, and this is something that we encourage and support, for after all they are represented in the Palestinian institutions, in the [PA] government, in the [PA] Parliament (Legislative Council), in the [Palestinian] National Council (i.e., the legislative body of the PLO), and in the [PLO] Central Council, and they are the mothers of the Martyrs and the prisoners. Um Nasser [Abu] Hmeid  is an example of a woman who is fighting and standing firm, and so are the mothers of the Martyrs, the prisoners, and the expelled.’”

[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 9, 2022]

Honoring female terrorists and mothers of terrorists for Mother's Day, PA TV also included terror mom Abu Hmeid:

Text on screen: “The mother who bears her suffering with patience – Um Nasser Abu Hmeid”

[Official PA TV, March 21, 2022]

Um Nasser Abu Hmeid

Nasser Abu Hmeid

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