"The battle… will not stop until colonialism passes from the Palestinian land" threatens PA Daily
Excerpt of an op-ed by Omar Hilmi Al-Ghoul, regular columnist for the official PA daily; on Maher Al-Akhras, who is being held under administrative detention on accusations of being a member of the Islamic Jihad terror organization, ending his hunger strike after 103 days after Israel promised it would release him on Nov. 26, 2020 and not renew his detention
Headline: “Maher Al-Akhras triumphs”
“The battle of willpower between the victim and the executioner in Palestine has not stopped for a moment since the Zionist colonialist project began to put down roots in historical Palestine at the end of the 19th century and up to this very day. [It also will not stop] until colonialism passes from the Palestinian land, and until the effects of the Balfour Promise (i.e., Declaration), the Sykes-Picot Agreement, the San Remo Conference (which confirmed the British Mandate for Palestine –Ed.), and all the Western colonialist and capitalist plans are removed.”