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Fatah senior official meets with wife of terrorist murderer of 125 people



Posted text: “Ramallah – April 18, 2022

[Fatah Central Committee member] Abbas Zaki welcomed [Chairwoman of the PLO Families of the Martyrs and Wounded Institution] Intisar Al-Wazir ‘Um Jihad’ (i.e., the widow of terrorist Khalil Al-Wazir “Abu Jihad,” who was responsible for the murder of 125) at his office in Ramallah. On the 34th anniversary of the death as a Martyr of the Prince of Martyrs, national commander Khalil Al-Wazir ‘Abu Jihad,’ Intisar Al-Wazir presented her book 'Companion for Life’ to Abbas Zaki.”


The images show Fatah Central Committee member Abbas Zaki with Chairwoman of the PLO Families of the Martyrs and Wounded Institution Intisar Al-Wazir.



Abbas Zaki

Abu Jihad

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