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"If not for an organization such as Palestinian Media Watch, we would know almost nothing" about Arab terror and incitement, says Israeli news

Beyond the political battles

Countless times over the years I have interviewed Israeli Parliament members from the Joint [List], from its various parts, and I asked them to comment on Arab terror. They have never had a problem with the murder of soldiers and the murder of settlers. Ya'alon prefers to head into a partnership with them, as long as the 'supreme goal,' moving out Netanyahu, is realized.

Take, for example, Chairman of the Joint List Ayman Odeh, who the media has been marketing for years as the moderate of the group. This is a man who views Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah as 'a role model of loyalty and sacrifice.'

This is a man… who has been photographed waving hands with leader of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) terror organization in Judea and Samaria Khalida Jarrar.

When Muhammad (sic., Mahmoud) Jabarin was released after sitting in prison for the murder of someone who was suspected of collaborating with Israel, Israeli Parliament Member from the Joint [List] Yousef Jabareen came to celebrate with him. Before he was released, Israeli Parliament Member Ahmed Tibi made a visit of encouragement to his mother. And when Lina Al-Jarbouni, who aided a member of Islamic Jihad who committed terror attacks in which 20 Israelis were murdered, left prison, the new allies of Blue and White made a visit to welcome her and organized a rally in her honor.

Your new political partners, former Chief Officer of Education Maj. Gen. Elazar Stern, published an ad containing the pictures of Abdallah Barghouti, responsible for the murder of 66 Israelis; of Marwan Barghouti, responsible for the murder of 5 Israelis; of Karim Younes, who murdered Israeli soldier Avraham Bromberg; and of [PFLP terror organization leader] Ahmad Sa'adat, who planned the murder of [Israeli] Minister [of Tourism] Rehavam Ze'evi. Alongside the pictures they published a song of praise: 'You are the glory of our nation, you are the leaders and the crown on our heads, and you are the masters… through you we will build a more beautiful tomorrow, through you we will continue and win.'

Your new partner, Ya'alon, is Tibi, the man behind the 'Speech of the Martyrs.' …This is a man you should have disqualified, regardless of all the political battles. 'The Martyr is the glory,' Tibi shouted there, 'The Martyr is the one who forges the path and outlines the path to liberation with his blood… There is nothing loftier than those who have died for the sake of the homeland.'

And do you know what is most amazing here? We would know almost nothing that issues from the mouths of the Joint [List] members, and almost nothing of their statements of support for terror and murderers, and almost no post of theirs embracing terrorists if we relied only on the Arab affairs journalists, who should have told us about this. They, almost all of them, have been abusing their positions for years already.

After falling in love with the subjects of their coverage, they choose not to highlight what will harm their moderate image, the same false image that these journalists have been its public relations people all these years. If not for a journalist such as Yishai Friedman from [the Israeli paper] Makor Rishon, and If not for an organization such as Palestinian Media Watch, we would know almost nothing."

Khalida Jarrar

Khalil Jabarin

Lina Al-Jarbouni

Abdallah Barghouti

Marwan Barghouti

Karim Younes

Ahmad Sa’adat


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