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Fatah high official promises that the "battle" for Jerusalem "will be long" and Palestinian "resistance will continue with full force"

Tawfiq Tirawi, Facebook  |

Text posted on the Facebook page of Fatah Central Committee member Tawfiq Tirawi


Posted text: “‘They are in Ribat (i.e., religious conflict over land claimed to be Islamic) until Judgement Day’

In the Ribat of continuously staying in the [Al-Aqsa] Mosque, our people are waging the battle of protecting the Noble Jerusalem Sanctuary (i.e., the Temple Mount) and its plazas, which the occupation is desecrating by turning them into a military base and a platform for settlers who do not hesitate to desecrate the site’s honor and sanctity (refers to Arab riots on the Temple Mount and Israeli efforts to restore order -Ed.).

Ribat is a weapon that our people added to its resistance at a significant and decisive stage of standing against the plot to impose a division according to areas and times [at the Al-Aqsa Mosque] like at the Ibrahimi Mosque (i.e., Cave of the Patriarchs) in Hebron.

It is now known that the occupation’s goal in using religious claims is to seek legitimacy for its presence in every possible way, while it does not completely understand the spiritual and national symbolism that Jerusalem represents for our people, which understands that the battle over the holy sites will be long, and that its resistance continues with full force to thwart these plots.

Jerusalem is Palestine and there is no Palestine without Jerusalem.”



Tawfiq Tirawi

"Division according to areas and times"

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