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Head of the Supreme Muslim Council accuses Israel "of activity to Judaize the history of the holy city Jerusalem"

Headline: “Jerusalem: A Judaization plan whose target is the Jaffa Gate Fortress in the Old City [of Jerusalem]”




“The Israeli Antiquities Authority (IAA) has allocated 40 million [Israeli] shekels in order to carry out an extensive process of changing the landmarks as part of a more extensive project meant to distort the history and harm the Jaffa Gate Fortress (i.e., the Tower of David; sic., refers to $40 million restoration and conservation project at the site funded by several bodies), which is one of the important landmarks in the Old City of Jerusalem.

This is in the framework of a Judaization project to change the ancient Islamic sites. The Judaization project will be carried out as part of an initiative of the Clore Israel Foundation, and with the support of the occupation’s municipality in Jerusalem and the government of Israel…

After the defeat in 1967 (i.e., the Six Day War), the occupation carried out extensive excavations in the area in order to distort the Islamic history, and they turned the fortress and its mosque into a museum that they called ‘the Tower of David’ Museum…

Head of the Supreme Muslim Council in Jerusalem Sheikh Ikrima Sabri accused the occupation authorities of activity to Judaize the history of the holy city through engravings of Stars of David, the alleged Temple, and additional Jewish symbols above the gates of the Old [City of] Jerusalem.

The preacher of the Al-Aqsa Mosque [Sabri] pointed out that the walls of Jerusalem are Islamic… and this proves that there is no connection between the Jews and the walls of Jerusalem.

Sheikh Ikrima pointed out that the occupation has attempted to search for Jewish relics and has not found one stone to which it has a connection (sic., an abundance of archaeological relics have been found proving the Jewish connection to Israel and Jerusalem in particular), and he noted that in 1967 it excavated in the Al-Buraq Wall Plaza (i.e., the Western Wall Plaza) to a depth of more than 10 meters and found nothing in the foundations of the wall other than Roman stones (sic., numerous findings were made from the periods of the Jewish First and Second Temples).



The Al-Buraq Wall

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