France pledges 10 million euros to the PA
Official PA TV News
Official PA TV newsreader: “Under the auspices of His Honor [PA] Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh and in his presence, the [PA] government – represented by [PA] Minister of Finance Shukri Bishara – signed an aid agreement worth 10 million euros for the health, water, [and] energy [sectors] and the civil society organizations with the French government – represented by French Consul René Troccaz and French Development Agency (AFD) Director in Palestine Catherine Bonnaud.”
PA Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh: “The agreement that was signed today [July 23, 2020] includes a number of matters. The first – 1.3 million euros will be paid to help the [PA] Ministry of Health on issues related to acquiring certain medicines and equipment for the fight against the Coronavirus disease. Likewise, part of the sum is being given to aid the organizations, in addition to research connected to alternative energy in the Tubas and Al-Yamun area. This matter is important for us, and the three sectors that the agreement covers are also prioritized sectors for us.”