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"For every annexation of one inch of the Palestinian lands we will have a position on the ground" threatens Fatah top official

Jibril Rajoub, Facebook  |

Video posted on the Facebook page of Fatah Central Committee Secretary Jibril Rajoub, showing an interview with Rajoub on Al-Araby TV





Fatah Central Committee Secretary Jibril Rajoub: “Until the annexation happens, our effort is based on mobilizing the entire world, on preserving the international community that opposes the idea of annexation, and on the status of Palestinian national agreement in its regional aspect, both the Arab and Islamic… Now if [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu] declares annexation, then there are a number of scenarios that are still being discussed. There is the crisis team led by [PA] President [Mahmoud Abbas], there is the [PLO] Executive Committee and the Fatah Movement Central Committee. At the same time we are consulting with all our friends and allies, but certainly – and I am speaking here as a Fatah member – we will not raise a white flag in front of the occupation.Certainly our response will be in accordance with the process that will be carried out, and I say that for every annexation of one inch of the Palestinian lands we will have a position on the ground, and we will also have a political decision that we will discuss at the same time…


The responsibility for the political issue is in the hands of the PLO Executive Committee, and not in the hands of the [PA] government. [PA] Prime Minister [Muhammad Shtayyeh] has his significance, and he is also a member of the Central Committee… If [Netanyahu] will annex, the Executive Committee will convene, but certainly we in Fatah have a strategic view that is connected to resistance to annexation. [His] battle will be with us, and we will lead it, but we want our entire people to be with us. At this stage we are talking about popular resistance (i.e., term used by Palestinians, which also refers to the use of violence and terror) to convey a message to the world, but if we reach the bridge of annexation, we will remain loyal to our commitment to our people.


Al-Araby TV host: “In a popular sense, when will Fatah declare or [when will] the PA call on the masses to oppose this outline?”


Jibril Rajoub: “We think that the measure of contradiction between this fascist racist thinking [of Netanyahu], which has no precedent other than with [Adolf] Hitler and [Benito] Mussolini, who also were elected – it has no precedent both in terms of its treatment of international law, its treatment of human rights, or its treatment even of the agreements between us. Netanyahu is a case who thinks-


... A measure of contradiction between [Netanyahu] and the entire world has been formed, and we want to maintain this matter. Currently, the entire world opposes annexation. Even among [Netanyahu’s people] they are divided. If he makes a decision on annexation, we certainly- but from here to there, yes. We will have activities on [June] 22, [2020]… Afterwards, we will have an activity on [June] 24 at the [UN] Security Council.”


Host: “Is the PA speaking in two voices, one diplomatic and another popular?”


Jibril Rajoub: “Look, first of all, I can speak on behalf of Fatah, that is first. Secondly, no, we have a discourse. This is the first time that there is Palestinian national agreement; but we are also a democratic movement, people can talk and such. We have a clear position, and the position is based on decisions of the [PLO] National Council (i.e., the legislative body of the PLO) and [PLO] Central Council…


We want to convey a message to the world. At this stage we are saying peaceful popular resistance, but we will not suffer alone, we will not die alone, and we will not allow the settlers to uproot our trees and such, and this depends on the world’s response and its ability to create sources of pressure on the occupation.”





Jibril Rajoub


Peaceful\popular uprising/resistance

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