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PA and PLO honour and celebrate known terrorist and long-standing member of Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade

Images and text posted on the official Fatah Facebook page

In the picture, Director of PLO Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs Qadri Abu Bakr is seen handing over an honorary plaque featuring the PA map of “Palestine” that presents all of Israel (together with the PA areas) as “Palestine”.


Posted text: “The [PA] Ministry of Culture and the [PLO] Commission of Prisoners and Released Prisoners’ Affairs celebrated the publication of the book ‘Letters to Qamar – Shards of Biography,’ which is a collection of letters written by Jerusalem resident and prisoner Husam Shahin (i.e., terrorist and member of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, serving 27 years) from his cell to the young girl Qamar, his friend’s daughter.”

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