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Terrorist murderers from Munich Olympic massacre are “heroes,” says Fatah official

Nan Jacques Zilberdik  |
  • Fatah official vows: “The land will take back its glory through its righteous sons who create the glory of the revolution” 

Although almost 50 years have passed since Palestinian terrorists murdered 11 Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics, the planners and those who carried out the attack - “the operation” in Palestinian terminology – are still regularly lauded as “heroes” by Fatah. 

Fatah Central Committee member Tawfiq Tirawi, a senior member of Abbas’ party, recently kept this tradition alive when he glorified the perpetrators of the massacre as “heroes of the Munich operation.” He also called the head of the Black September terror organization Salah Khalaf, who was among the planners of the attack, a “Martyr leader”: 

Posted text: “On the anniversary of the death as a Martyr of national fighter and exceptional self-sacrificing fighter Atef Bseiso (i.e., terrorist, involved in Munich Olympics massacre in which 11 were murdered), we will raise the memory of the revolution in our memories. Before us stand Martyr leaders Abu Ali Iyad (i.e., Fatah terror leader), Salah Khalaf ‘Abu Iyad’ (i.e., head of Black September terror organization), and the heroes of the Munich operation (i.e., Munich Olympics massacre). The land will take back its glory through its righteous sons who create the glory of the revolution. [May there be] great peace and mercy on your soul.” 

[Facebook page of Fatah Central Committee member Tawfiq Tirawi,  
June 8, 2022] 

Fatah’s praise of past terrorists is not due to a lack of current “heroes.” Palestinian Media Watch exposed that another Fatah official supports “the pure and heroic” terrorists who recently murdered 8 in Tel Aviv and Bnei Brak: 

Fatah Secretary in Jenin Ata Abu Rmeileh: “The Jenin district is triumphing, triumphing over the occupation…  As a sign of support for the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque and the pure Martyrs and heroic Martyrs Ra’ad [Hazem], Diya [Hamarsheh] (i.e., terrorists who murdered 8), and all the Martyrs, today we light the torch of freedom and the torch of the prisoners to emphasize that we adhere to the covenant and the oath to these Martyrs and to the Martyr leader, the First Stone and the First Bullet, Khalil Al-Wazir ‘Abu Jihad’ (i.e., terrorist, responsible for murder of 125).” 

[Official PA TV,  Giants of Endurance, April 19, 2022] 

Tawfiq Tirawi also serves as Fatah Commissioner of Popular Organizations. 

Atef Bseiso

Abu Ali Iyad

Abu Iyad (Salah Khalaf)

Munich Olympics massacre

Diya Ahmed Hassan Hamarsheh


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