Did PMW's report on kids posing with rifles lead to closure of Fatah Hebron Facebook page?
Three weeks ago, Palestinian Media Watch exposed scores of pictures of Palestinian children participating in Fatah summer camps posing with weapons. The pictures were posted on the Facebook page of Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah Movement in Hebron.
While PMW is pleased to report that the terror supporting Fatah Hebron Facebook page has been blocked by Facebook, this is only a small, albeit important, part of the puzzle.
While Fatah Hebron may no longer have the ability to abuse the Facebook platform to widely publish its harmful recruitment and training of the Palestinian child terrorists, unfortunately this response is far from being sufficient.
Despite the fact that these PA/PLO summer camps continued on, shamefully neither UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, his special representative Tor Wennesland nor UNICEF bothered to take the time to issue a condemnation of the PA/PLO/Fatah for training and recruiting the Palestinian child terrorists.
While the UN functionaries and organizations are quick to criticize Israel, when it comes to the PA/PLO/Fatah's abuse of Palestinian children, they are deafeningly quiet.
Similarly, for many years PMW has been highlighting the material support Facebook provides to the PA/PLO and Fatah facilitating the glorification, promotion, and incitement to terror. Unfortunately, Facebook only took action on limited occasions by removing selected terror-supporting posts, as it has now apparently done with the Fatah Hebron page. But the truth is, as PMW has demonstrated, that all the Fatah Facebook pages are in breach of Facebook’s own terror prevention regulations by actively glorifying, promoting and inciting terror. All of these pages should be permanently removed from Facebook.