PA accuses Israel of having “weapons directed against all Palestinian content”
Excerpt of an op-ed by terrorist prisoner Osama Al-Ashqar, who was responsible for the murder of 8
Headline: “The summer camps and the imminent danger!”
“Under the headline 'The Palestinian Hatred' (sic., the actual headline is “Weapons Training and Combat Exercises for Children: Fatah’s Summer Camps”) the Israeli channel ‘Kan 11’ broadcast a detailed report on ‘the wave of Palestinian hatred,’ as it put it. The one who prepared the article claimed that widespread incitement to violence and hatred is being implanted in the minds of the new generations of Palestinian youths, and this is through the summer camps that tens of thousands of these youths are registering for.
From the aforementioned, it is clear to us that the Zionist mechanisms of propaganda and their long arms of incitement are not neglecting any detail, large or small.They are closely monitoring that which is happening in Palestinian society in an effort to affect the Palestinian people’s trends in all manners, using numerous methods and foremost among them incitement.This is their permanent path in their relation towards everything Palestinian…
For long decades of ongoing struggle in the media arena, Israel has used all of its weapons, which are directed against all Palestinian content that strives to inculcate the ideology of national liberation – starting with the [PA] curricula, on to the elementary school classrooms, and even the purposeful children’s programs on [official] PA TV, ending with the summer camps that are being managed by the [PLO] Supreme Council for Youth and Sports.
The effort that is being made to educate a generation with awareness, ability, and understanding of the critical nature of the [current] historical moment… is most similar to preparing the ground or laying the operational foundations for establishing the Palestinian national structure. All the Zionist circles understand that [this structure] will only be established on the ruins of their colonialist project, and therefore we must continue the advanced activity that the Supreme Council for Youth and Sports has begun.”