Official PA newspaper backs Abbas’ statement that Israel is committing 50 Holocausts
Excerpt of an op-ed by Deputy Head of the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate Dr. Tahsin Al-Astal
Headline: “Despicable racist exploitation”
“The Zionist media and the Israeli politicians attacked [PA] President Mahmoud Abbas claiming that he denied the Nazi Holocaust during World War II (refers to a joint press conference with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in Berlin on Aug. 16, 2022, in which Abbas claimed Israel “has committed 50 holocausts” instead of apologizing for the murder of 11 Israeli athletes by the Palestinian Black September terror group at the Munich Olympics in 1972, which a journalist asked him to do -Ed.). This was even though the president did not mention it, but rather even confirmed it by comparing it to the approximately 50 holocausts that the Israeli occupation has committed against the Palestinian people, at a time when the international community is still not taking any true position to defend the Palestinian people.
I can say that the president succeeded in addressing the human sentiment of the Germans and the world, who still feel pain over the Nazi Holocaust, and therefore they must feel the same pain over the ongoing holocaust against the Palestinian people…
President Mahmoud Abbas stands today against the Zionist propaganda, against the holocaust that the Palestinian people is being subjected to, and against the Nazi Holocaust that the Israeli occupation leaders want to exploit in order to deny the legal rights of the Palestinian people, as if the Palestinians are the ones who committed the Nazi Holocaust.”