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PLO accuses Israel of medically mistreating prisoners

Headline: “The [PLO] Commission of Prisoners’ [Affairs] warned against the immoral and inhumane deterioration in the treatment of the sick prisoners”


“This morning, Thursday [July 21, 2022], the [PLO] Commission of Prisoners and Released Prisoners’ Affairs warned against the immoral and inhumane deterioration in the treatment of the sick prisoners in the occupation’s prisons, which truly threatens their lives in the shadow of the dangerous tyranny that is being carried out against them every day.

In a statement, a copy of which reached [the independent Palestinian news agency] Donia Al-Watan, the commission said: ‘Through monitoring the status of the sick prisoners in the so-called Ramle, Ashkelon, Ramon, Ofer, and Negev (i.e., Ketziot) Prisons, and in all the prisons, we notice they are ignoring diseases and not providing treatment and medicines in a systematic and organized manner (sic., see note below regarding PA libel on medical abuse of Palestinian prisoners).’”

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