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Fatah MP calls for the release of remaining terrorist prisoners and calls for the struggle to continue “in all its forms”

Event held by Fatah parliamentary faction to honor the released prisoners in Gaza.
Faisal Abu Shahlah, Fatah MP:
"[President Abbas says that in the next prisoner release] he will focus on releasing the leadership – Marwan Barghouti, Ahmad Sa'adat, Abdallah Barghouti, Abbas Al-Sayid, Hassan Salameh, Fuad Al-Shubaki, and the rest of the leadership… We say to our prisoners who are [still] in prison that we will not forget them; we will continue the struggle in all its forms until you achieve your rights and your freedom."

Note: Marwan Barghouti - serving five life sentences for orchestrating terror attacks against Israeli civilians. When arrested in 2002, he headed the Tanzim (Fatah terror faction). After he was convicted and imprisoned, he was re-elected member of the Palestinian Authority parliament.

Ahmad Sa'adat
- serving a 30-year sentence for heading the PFLP terror organization. A song at a PFLP event also praised him for planning the assassination of Israeli Minister of Tourism Rehavam Ze'evi in 2001, but he has not been tried for this crime.

Abdallah Barghouti
- serving 67 life sentences for preparing explosives for terror attacks in which 67 people were murdered: Sbarro restaurant (15 killed, Aug. 9, 2001), Sheffield Club (15 killed, May 7, 2002), Moment Café (11 killed, March 9, 2002), triple attack at Ben Yehuda pedestrian mall (11 killed, Dec. 1, 2001), Hebrew University (9 killed, July 1, 2002), and Bus 4 in Tel Aviv (6 killed, Sept. 19, 2002).

Abbas Al-Sayid -
serving 35 life sentences for planning two suicide bombings, one in 2002 at a Passover dinner, killing 30 Israelis, and another in 2001, killing 5 and wounding 100.

Hassan Salameh
– Hamas terrorist who is serving 46 life sentences for heading the terror infrastructure that carried out 2 suicide bombings on no. 18 buses in Jerusalem (first attack on Feb. 25, 1996, second attack on March 3, 1996), and the suicide bombing at the Ashkelon Junction hitchhike point (Feb. 25, 1996). 46 people were killed in the attacks and around 100 were wounded.

Fuad Al-Shubaki
- Arafat’s former deputy who spearheaded efforts to smuggle arms from Iran aboard the Karine-A.

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