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PFLP calls terror attack “high-quality operation”

Headline: “The Palestinian factions’ responses to the Kiryat Arba operation”


“This evening, Saturday [Oct. 29, 2022], the Palestinian factions responded to the shooting operation next to the settlement of Kiryat Arba in Hebron (refers to attack by terrorist Muhammad Al-Ja’abari who murdered 1 -Ed.)…

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) expressed its pride in the heroic operation in Hebron, in which a settler was killed and six others were wounded, including known figures (sic., 3 Israelis and 1 Palestinian were wounded in the attack, none of them known figures)…

The PFLP emphasized that this high-quality operation is part of our people’s response to the incessant crimes of the occupation and its settlers.”


Muhammad Kamel Al-Ja'abari

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