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Op-ed on Official PA Daily: Balfour’s intention was to “get rid of the Jews by settling them in Palestine”

Excerpt of an op-ed by Athar Hab Al-Rih


Headline: “Balfour stations”


“On November 2 of every year the ominous British [Balfour] Promise (i.e., Declaration) shines in our memories, in which Palestine was handed on a silver platter in 1917 to the Jewish groups spread in all the world’s states. This was not just a promise, but rather a colonialist plan that laid the basis for establishing the occupation entity on our land. This promise was not the outcome of that historical moment, and not a surprising event, but rather the result of previous French, German, and American ‘Balfour-esque’ stations and trends, for the purpose of getting rid of the Jews by settling them in Palestine.


The Balfour Declaration

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