Fatah mourns “great female fighter,” terrorist Fatima Barnawi
Headline: “The death of the first female prisoner in the history of the Palestinian revolution Fatima Barnawi”
“The Fatah Movement eulogized great female fighter [Fatima] Barnawi (i.e., terrorist, placed bomb in movie theater) and said in a statement issued by the [Fatah] Commission of Information and Culture yesterday, Thursday [Nov. 3, 2022]: ‘Female fighter Barnawi joined the Palestinian revolution at an early stage, and she had a central role in establishing Fatah’s organizational and self-sacrificing squads inside the occupied territories (i.e., Israel).’ …
Fatah added that fighter Barnawi will continue to be a clear historic symbol in the history of the Palestinian national struggle, and emphasized that Fatah, its leaders, and its members will continue the struggle until achieving the national rights for whose sake Barnawi fought.”