Abbas praises terrorist responsible for the murder of 7 Israelis
PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas posted a video on his Facebook page
PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas: “And never think of those who have been killed in the cause of Allah as dead. Rather, they are alive with their Lord, receiving provision” [Quran 3:169]. The assassination of Nasser Abu Hmeid (i.e., terrorist, responsible for murder of 7) is a war crime in the full sense of the word (sic., Abu Hmeid died of cancer)… We hold the Israeli government fully responsible for the murder of Martyr Nasser Abu Hmeid… Allow me on all of your behalf to express the warmest condolences to the family of Martyr leader Nasser Abu Hmeid and his mother, the mother of the heroes, we call her the mother of the heroes (i.e., mother of 5 terrorists), and the sincerest condolences to the masses of our people as well.
[PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, Facebook page, Dec. 20, 2022]
Libel on medical abuse of Palestinian prisoners
Um Nasser Abu Hmeid (Um Yusuf Abu Hmeid/Latifa Abu Hmeid)