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Israel marked the International Holocaust Remembrance Day by invading Jenin, says Palestinian writer

Excerpt of an op-ed by Rami Al-Sha’er, author and political commentator


Headline: “The confrontation and the immortalization of Jenin’s Martyrs will be through the immediate declaration of 2023 as the year of Palestine”


“A number of days ago was International Holocaust Remembrance Day (Jan. 27) [2023; parentheses in source], and it seems that the occupation forces decided to mark it in their special way.

These gangs that are called the ‘[Israeli] Ministry of Defense’ carried out a bloody and barbaric invasion of the Jenin refugee camp in the West Bank, which led to the deaths of 9 Martyrs and dozens of wounded among our residents in Jenin (refers to Palestinian terrorists shooting at Israeli soldiers, causing a gun battle in which 8 terrorists and 1 civilian were killed; see note below -Ed.).”


Jenin gun battle, January 2023

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