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PA TV “Israeli affairs expert” on Israeli law to revoke citizenship of Israeli Arab terrorists who receive salaries from the PA

Official PA TV “Israeli affairs expert” Fayez Abbas: “An [Israeli] law passed in an initial reading to revoke [the Israeli] citizenship and residency of people (i.e., terrorists) who carry out operations (i.e., terror attacks) against Israel and receive money from the Palestinian Authority. According to this law, if you received money they revoke your [residency or citizenship]. If you didn’t receive it- I recommend not to pay them money.”

[Official PA TV, Palestine This Morning, Jan. 31, 2023]

Fayez Abbas refers to a bill pioneered by Palestinian Media Watch:

Israeli law to strip citizenship from Israeli Arab terrorists receiving PA terror salaries - Legislation pioneered by PMW that classifies convicted Israeli Arab terrorists who are serving a prison sentence, and who ask for and receive a salary from the PA as a reward for their acts of terror, as having waived their Israeli citizenship or residency status. The legislation, which passed an initial reading in January 2023, is based on the idea that the PA pays Arab terrorists financial rewards as their "soldiers," and the terrorists also see themselves as Palestinian soldiers. The legislation reflects, inter alia, provisions in the twelve European countries by which joining a foreign army is grounds for stripping citizenship. It also reflects the provisions of Article 8 of the Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness, 1961, which provides that countries may strip someone of their citizenship if they act in a manner inconsistent with their duty of loyalty to the country and specifically receive payments from a foreign entity in breach of an express prohibition of the national law. It also applies to those acting "in a manner seriously prejudicial to the vital interests of the State," or taking an oath of "allegiance to another State." Receiving the PA's terror salaries is specifically prohibited by sections 31 and 32 of Israel Anti-Terror Law, 2016. The request to receive those payments is a clear declaration of allegiance to the Palestinians and a rejection of any Israeli status.

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