Palestinian feminism? Women can also be suicide bombers
Headline: " The participation of women in the [Palestinian] uprising's attacks is an excellent tradition in the history of the Palestinian woman's struggle"
"Explosion attacks against Israeli targets are no longer exclusively men's. Now women compete against men in carrying them out in a way that amazes conservative Palestinian society.
Two days ago, for the second time since January [2002], a young Palestinian woman blew herself up amidst Israeli soldiers in a step considered the [continuation of] an excellent tradition in the history of the Palestinian woman's struggle, a struggle in which [until now] the role of women was confined to carrying out assistance missions in the Intifada (i.e., ongoing PA terror campaign, 2000-) alongside men. It would seem that this perspective did not transfer to Islamic groups such as Hamas and the Islamic Jihad that do not view women's participation in such attacks as a pressing need…
These two movements have never included a woman. Analysts expect the dispute about this issue to increase … especially after senior Fatah officials announced the recruitment of additional young women to carry out new attacks. Senior Fatah officials said that the Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades... 'Has recently assembled a women's cell, so they will participate in the war being fought in the Palestinian territories. The cell's mission is to carry out attacks on the Israeli home front. The cell has been named The Cells Named After Martyr (Shahida) Wafa Idris'… Emancipated [Palestinian] women expressed their anger in view of voices that oppose women entering the armed struggle battles like men. Journalist Attaf Yussuf, who writes a column for the 'The Women's Voice' supplement, which is published by the Women's Affairs team, said: 'Palestinian women want to participate alongside men in all forms of the struggle and [we] must not forget the Palestinian woman's sacrifices and her participation in the struggle throughout the different stages of the revolution.'"