Palestinian leaders call for violence to stop Israel’s “satanic designs” on the Temple Mount
Official PA TV
PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’ Advisor Ahmed Al-Ruweidi: “The occupation forces need to withdraw. They need to understand that they are trespassing on a Muslim holy site. They need to understand that they are attacking the people; women, men, young people, girls – everyone is at the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque. This is our message through you to everyone: To those who have the ability to intervene, let them stand today with their responsibility and speak out in a loud voice to stop the crime against the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, which we know that the occupation is plotting against, andits goal is to put its hands on it and divide it in preparation for establishing the alleged Temple that it is talking about.”
Fatah Revolutionary Council Secretary-General Majed Al-Fatiani: “To the Palestinian Interior (i.e., Palestinian term for Israel, refers to Israeli Arabs) we say: All of us in the Fatah Movement have told all our staff in all our places for days – go out! Into our streets, into our alleys, so that the cost of this occupation will be expensive for this enemy (refers to violent Arab riots; see note below -Ed.)…
There are crazy settlers in the alleys, streets, neighborhoods, and villages of the Northern Districts (i.e., the West Bank). Why are we not standing against them? We said: ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, and the one who started it is the guilty party.’”
Secretary-General of the PLO Islamic-Christian Council for Jerusalem and the Holy Sites Hanna Issa: “Israel is now planning satanic designs to establish ‘Solomon’s Temple’ in place of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, and it is carrying this out in three steps: First, erasing the Arab, Christian, and Muslim identity in the holy city [of Jerusalem]. Secondly, focusing on imposing a Jewish character [on the city]. Thirdly, establishing Greater Jerusalem on a territory of 600 square meters. This idea was approved by the Israeli government in 1975 and Israel recognizes it. Now, take the excavations that are being carried out in Jerusalem – 104 excavations in Jerusalem.”
Jerusalem District Deputy Governor Abdallah Siyam: “We hope that [the Arab states that normalized ties with Israel] (see note below -Ed.) will reexamine their positions and their approach towards Jerusalem through decisions that confirm our right to Jerusalem, and that the occupier is the occupier and the victim is this Jerusalem people that is confronting [Israel] withits bare body and with a rock in its hand…
The encirclement by the settlements, the encirclement by the [separation] fence, the encirclement by the settler outposts and this military assembling – they are all working so that no one will reach the Al-Aqsa Mosque. But despite this, we seethisheroicscenethatisfullofdetermination,faith,andpersistenceinordertodefendthesanctityofthissiteagainstthedesecrationthatwasplannedforit.Theplanwas-Theoccupation’sbiggestrabbisannouncedthattheywouldleadthesemarches(referstoJerusalemDayIsraeliflagmarches-Ed.).TheycompetedwhowouldleadthemintheAl-AqsaMosquecourtyards,butthesewounds, this suffering, these arms, and these rocks thwarted this plan that they wanted today [May 10, 2021] to turn the Al-Aqsa Mosque plazas into [a place for] parading their [Israeli] flags, a march of their herds, a march of their extremists at the expense of our prayers, our calm, and our divine worship.”
[Official PA TV, May 10, 2021]
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