Israeli Arabs are a “demographic bomb,” says Fatah official
Official PA TV News
FatahRevolutionaryCouncilmemberMuhammadAl-Lahham:“We are in a stage of national takeoff, of impressive national awakening in which the Palestinian identity has united after years of occupation, disagreement, and dissipation, whatever you want (refers to violent Arab riots; see note below -Ed.)… We need to maintain this and continue as a national situation, as a situation with all the social forces and also the non-governmental forces, in order to remain facing this occupation and so that we will maintain the perseverance and continuation, so that this intifada will not be just a leap or an uprising. We need to build upon it in order to lean [on it] and even change the Palestinian method of struggle to raise the struggle mechanism such that it will be appropriate for the damage that the Zionist occupation is inflicting on us. [PA] President Mahmoud Abbas, when he spoke on more than one occasion about the Triangle (i.e., a concentration of Israeli-Arab towns and villages in northern Israel) and some of the occupied areas of 1948 (i.e., Israel), [he did] not [speak just] for the sake of simplicity. No, the wisdom of there being two million Palestinians in the Interior (i.e., Palestinian term for Israel), two million Palestinians who are a demographic bomb, two million bombs and rockets in the occupied Interior from among our Palestinian people. We need to preserve and strengthen their remaining. They need to be ammunition for the Palestinian national identity in order to place the picture of historical Palestine with all its geography.”
[Official PA TV News, May 29, 2021]