Israel will disappear soon, says Palestinian activist on PA TV
Official PA TV program The Story of a Village, on the Arab village of Lifta in the western part of Jerusalem that was abandoned in Israel’s 1948 War of Independence
Chairman of the Council to Defend the Cultural Heritage of Lifta Village Yaqub Oudeh: “I see Lifta (i.e., an abandoned Arab village) as the key to Jerusalem, and Jerusalem is the key to Palestine…
ThestrongestpeoplesoccupiedPalestine,whethertheywerethePersians,theEgyptians,theGreeks,theMongols,theOttomans,ortheBritish–theycameandwentandPalestineremained,thePalestinianpeopleremained(sic.,thePalestinianshavenohistorypriortothemodernperiod),and the land of Palestine remained. This is also what happened to Lifta, and [the Israelis’] fate is that they will go. Their fate is that they will go. But there are people who do not learn from history. Thanks to your weapons you can sit for a day, two days, ten, but you will not stay long, you will not stay long. And the right is not lost when there is a fighter behind it, when someone demands it.”
[Official PA TV, The Story of a Village, June 9, 2021]