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PA TV rewards woman for answering that Israeli city of Be’er Sheva is “in Palestine” in PA TV quiz

Official PA TV host 1: From the words “den” and “lion,” give me synonyms that will form the name of a Palestinian city…


Host 2: Dirgham, saba.” (i.e., two words for “lion”)


Woman: “Bir Saba (i.e., Be’er Sheva, southern Israeli city).”


Host 1: “Be’er Sheva, right.  Palestine for Credit and Development gives you this.

Having answered correctly the woman receives an envelope from the host. Usually the prize is $100 on the program Hit the Singer.


According to their website, Palestine for Credit and Development (FATEN) is “a private joint-stock non-profit company” and was “licensed by the Palestine Monetary Authority in May 2014.” FATEN’s mission is “providing financial Services that meet the needs of economically active Palestinians with limited incomes.” [Website of FATEN, accessed April 30, 2023]
The European Investment Bank is heavily involved and supports FATEN:

"In 2019, the European Investment Bank signed a $10 million loan agreement with Faten. The first disbursement of $2 million was made in 2020." [Website of European Investment Bank, accessed April 30, 2023]


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