Israel is "despicable and selfish" and a scorpion targeting the PA
Lyrics to the song:"[Israel] asked for [our] love
I came but it didn't come
I stayed in my place
[Israel] made my life bitter
Why should I like you?
I don't know if i will accept you
All I have isn't enough for you
Even Allah doesn't want to quiet you
Why should I like you?
Why should we love each other?
You hate me in your heart
You scatter me all over the world
[I am] like a bird
Beatings, oppression, detention, biting
You [Israel] are despicable and self-centered
All I have isn't enough for you
Even Allah doesn't want to quiet you
Why should I like you?
By Allah, if I fall into your hands
I'll pay you back and show you
You and the other one [USA] that strengthens you against me
[The USA] is proud of you
It feeds and nourishes you
It takes [oil] from me and gives it to you
A second later forgets me
Even Allah doesn't want to quiet you
Why should I like you?"
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Note: PA TV broadcast this video Nov. 17, 21, 26, 30, and Dec. 5, 2011.
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