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Fatah takes credit and celebrates murder of Israeli this morning

Itamar Marcus  |
  • The murder was a “heroic operation”
  • The murderer is on his way to his “wedding” to be rewarded with virgins in Paradise


This morning an Israeli soldier was murdered and five other Israelis were wounded in a ramming attack by a Palestinian terrorist in a truck on the Jerusalem-Tel Aviv rt. 443 highway.


In a number of different announcements, Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah has celebrated the murder and announced that the killer was a member of Fatah. These are two of them:

Text on image: "And never think of those who have been killed in the cause of Allah as dead. Rather, they are alive with their Lord, receiving provision.” [Quran 3:169, Sahih International translation]


“Fatah Movement – Ramallah and al-Bireh District...

Accompanies to his wedding in the highest Heaven

Its son, the heroic Martyr

Daoud 'Abd al-Razeq Fayez

(note: the PA teaches that “Martyrs” marry 72 Dark-Eyed Virgins in Paradise)

Son of the Deir 'Ammar [refugee] camp who ascended [to heaven] from the bullets of the occupation (i.e., Israel) near Ni'lin checkpoint, west of Ramallah”


Posted text with image: “In the name of Allah the Merciful

Fatah National Liberation Movement - Ramallah and Al-Bireh district – AL-Karamah area - Deir Ammar camp –

announces the death of its son, the heroic Martyr, Daoud Abd al-Razzaq Fayez, who carried out the heroic Beit Sira operation.

A new moon (i.e. PA term for Martyrs) joined the team of moons and Martyrs

We belong to Allah, and to Him we return.

The condolence house will be open for 3 days starting today... In the hospitality hall of the Deir Ammar Mosque.”

[Fatah movement, Bethlehem Branch, Telegram Channel, Aug. 31, 2023]


"The flood of West Bank [attacks] has begun – and no one will be able to stop it. [Israelis:] Gather your disgrace and go away."

[Fatah movement, Bethlehem Branch, Telegram Channel, Aug. 31, 2023]


Daoud Abd Al-Razeq Fayez

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