Abbas’ appointee calls to “inspire” Palestinian youth to “Martyrdom”
Official PA TV newsreader: “The Fatah Movement held a memorial service for Martyr Omar Jabara Abu Al-Qatin (i.e., Hamas terrorist) …
Mother of terrorist Omar Abu Al-Qatin: “Praise Allah Master of the Universe forever and ever, Omar is not the first Martyr and not the last. He sacrificed his life for his homeland, praise Allah Master of the Universe, I thank Allah. Allah willing, we are all following this path… Palestine needs Omar and those like him.”
Chairman of PA-funded Prisoners’ Club Qadura Fares: “We are at the peak of a consecutive and ongoing battle. Therefore, we must recall the message of the Martyr at every stage and in every situation, so that the young generations will receive inspiration from him in a way that will allow them to join the ranks of resistance to continue the path of struggle.”
[Official PA TV News, Aug. 5, 2023]
Muhannad Faleh Shehadeh and Khaled Mustafa Sabah
PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas appointed Chairman of the PA-funded Prisoners’ Club Qadura Fares as director of PLO Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs with the rank of minister. (August 2023)