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Ignoring Hamas atrocities, Fatah official says Israel is worse than Nazis

Nan Jacques Zilberdik  |

Fatah leader:

  • Hamas terrorist murderers are “fighters of our people” who “defend freedom” and “the Arab and Islamic nation’s honor”
  • It is Israel who is not following “the divine and international laws”

“[Their] crimes… have surpassed the Nazis’ crimes during World War II. They ascribe no importance to… the international laws and are destroying everything…”

The above was said two days after the Hamas terror organization massacred and murdered over 1,300 Israelis – including beheading babies, executing young men with their hands tied, raping young women, murdering mothers and fathers in front of their children, and dragging elderly people out of bed to shoot them and post the pictures on social media. Hamas terrorists also wounded over 3,300 and kidnapped at least 126 hostages whose fate is unknown.

But the Nazi comparison was not made about Hamas but about Israel and by a senior Fatah official!

Referring to Israel’s self-defense and retaliation against Hamas, and bombing Hamas’ terror infrastructure after the massacre on Israeli civilians, Fatah Central Committee member Abbas Zaki said it was Israel who was worse than the Nazis. In addition, he referred to Hamas terrorist murderers as “fighters of our people” who “defend freedom” and “the Arab and Islamic nation’s honor,” while accusing Israel of not heeding “divine and international law”:

Text by Zaki: “In a direct live broadcast on the Arab and global TV screens and for this the fourth consecutive day, Israel is committing the most despicable crimes against the Palestinian civilians… in an attempt to rehabilitate its image over its bitter defeat against the fighters of our people who have been defending their freedom and the justice of their cause for more than a century, and are sacrificing their lives in defense of the Arab and Islamic nation’s honor…

The Zionist entity’s crimes against our people have surpassed the Nazis’ crimes during World War II.They ascribe no importance to the divine and international laws and are destroying everything in the Gaza Strip…

Be completely certain that our fighting Palestinian people will never surrender, will not wave a white flag, and will continue to wave the flag of freedom until achieving victory for our people and our Arab and Islamic nation.”

[Fatah Central Committee member Abbas Zaki, Facebook page,
Oct. 10, 2023]

The following are additional reports on Zaki’s response to Hamas’ terror war on Israel:


Posted text: “[Fatah Central Committee member] Abbas Zaki directs an urgent call to all the brothers, members, secretaries-general, party heads, and national and progressive forces in the Arab homeland regarding the despicable crimes that the Israeli occupation is committing against our people in the Gaza Strip (refers to the Hamas terror war; see note below -Ed.)”


The images show an official statement from Fatah Central Committee member Abbas Zaki.

Text: “In a direct live broadcast on the Arab and global TV screens and for this the fourth consecutive day, Israel is committing the most despicable crimes against the Palestinian civilians… in an attempt to rehabilitate its image over its bitter defeat against the fighters of our people (i.e., Hamas terrorist murderers) who have been defending their freedom and the justice of their cause for more than a century, and are sacrificing their lives in defense of the Arab and Islamic nation’s honor…

The Zionist entity’s crimes against our people have surpassed the Nazis’ crimes during World War II.They ascribe no importance to the divine and international laws and are destroying everything in the Gaza Strip…

Be completely certain that our fighting Palestinian people will never surrender, will not wave a white flag, and will continue to wave the flag of freedom until achieving victory for our people and our Arab and Islamic nation.”

[Fatah Central Committee member Abbas Zaki, Facebook page, Oct. 10, 2023]


Abbas Zaki also serves as Fatah Commissioner for Arab and China Relations and also conveyed this false narrative to Chinese ministers:

The images show an official statement from Fatah Central Committee member Abbas Zaki. 


Posted text: “[Fatah Central Committee member] Abbas Zaki directs an urgent call to Minister of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) Foreign Affairs Department (sic. Deputy Director of the Boundary and Ocean Affairs Department of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs) Zhao Lijian regarding the despicable crimes that the Israeli occupation is committing against our people in the Gaza Strip (refers to the Hamas terror war; see note below -Ed.)” 


Text: “In a direct live broadcast on the Arab and global TV screens and for this the fourth consecutive day, Israel is committing the most despicable crimes against the Palestinian civilians… in an attempt to rehabilitate its image over its bitter defeat against the fighters of our people who have been defending their freedom and the justice of their cause for more than a century, and are sacrificing their lives in defense of the Arab and Islamic nation’s honor… 

The Zionist entity’s crimes against our people have surpassed the Nazis’ crimes during World War II. They ascribe no importance to the divine and international laws and are destroying everything in the Gaza Strip… 

Be completely certain that our fighting Palestinian people will never surrender, will not wave a white flag, and will continue to wave the flag of freedom until achieving victory for our people and our Arab and Islamic nation.” 

[Fatah Central Committee member Abbas Zaki, Facebook page, Oct. 10, 2023] 

Hamas war on Israel October 2023

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