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Released teen terrorist praises Hamas’ “achievements” releasing terrorists for Israeli civilian hostages

Released terrorist prisoner Yazan Al-Hasanat: “We will empty the prisons. The prisoners’ situation requires resistance (i.e., terror) that will release them… The resistance is with blood, with weapons. The prisoners do not want peaceful resistance. They want resistance that will fight so they will triumph. All the prisoners are in favor of the resistance… We are very proud of the resistance (i.e., Hamas), of the resistance’s achievements, and satisfied with what is happening in the Gaza Strip, with the abductions, the abduction of the captives (i.e., Israeli hostages).”

[Quds News Network, Twitter account, Nov. 26, 2023]

Yazan Al-Hasanat - 17-year-old Palestinian member of the PFLP terror organization held under administrative detention from June 22, 2023, until his release in the prisoner exchange deal starting on Nov. 24, 2023, between Israel and Hamas in which Israel agreed to release 150 terrorist prisoners, pause drone surveillance in the Gaza Strip, and allow movement between the northern and southern Gaza Strip, in return for 50 Israeli female and child hostages held by Hamas during the Israeli counter-terror operation against Hamas’ terror war on Israel.

Hamas war on Israel October 2023

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