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PA lies and libels: “Israel deliberately… spread(s) lethal epidemics and infectious diseases among children in Gaza”

Nan Jacques Zilberdik  |

In addition to the war Israel is fighting in Gaza against Hamas’ terror, Israel is also fighting a war against the Palestinian Authority’s libels and lies. Palestinian Media Watch has documented for decades that the PA is a master when it comes to inventing libels about Israel, and the current warfare has triggered the PA’s creativity for hate.

The newest PA libel published in its official PA daily, is that Israel deliberately is “spreading lethal epidemics and infectious diseases” among children in the Gaza Strip. According to the Palestinian Human Rights and Democracy Media Center SHAMS, Israel does this to “kill as many civilians as possible, and particularly children”:

“The Human Rights and Democracy Media Center SHAMS announced that these days the Israeli occupation is deliberately using a new silent weapon, through a systematic and deliberate policy of creating a hothouse for the spread of lethal epidemics and infectious diseases among children in the centers of uprooted people in the Gaza Strip, in order to kill as many civilians as possible, and particularly children.

[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Dec. 29, 2023]

PMW has exposed additional libels published by PA and Fatah during the war:

The following is a longer excerpt of the lie about Israel’s warfare published by the PA:

Headline: “The [Human Rights and Democracy Media] Center SHAMS: The occupation is using epidemics and infectious diseases in the genocide war in the Gaza Strip”

“The Human Rights and Democracy Media Center SHAMS announced that these days the Israeli occupation is deliberately using a new silent weapon, through a systematic and deliberate policy of creating a hothouse for the spread of lethal epidemics and infectious diseases among children in the centers of uprooted people in the Gaza Strip, in order to kill as many civilians as possible, and particularly children, because their rate of immunity is low compared to the adults, which is liable to lead to a genocide that is unprecedented in history through the spread of epidemics, and this is in order to cover the military failure of the occupying army (sic., PMW found no evidence for this libel; see note below regarding the 2023 Gaza war).”

[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Dec. 29, 2023]

Hamas war on Israel October 2023

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