Where Terror is more important than the Care for the sick
German online newspaper
By Stefan Frank
For the Palestinian Authority, the financial reward of Jewish murderers is more important than the medical care of its population. A hospital in Bethlehem has to reduce the number of beds because the autonomous authority does not pay its debts.
“You love life, we love death” – many readers will have heard this [Palestinian] slogan before… The Palestinian Authority continues to place greater value on financially rewarding murderers of Jewish families than on medical care for sick Palestinians. A Palestinian hospital in Bethlehem has announced that it is reducing the number of its beds by twenty percent and will no longer admit patients to its cardiology department. The reason: The Palestinian Authority owes the hospital around eighteen million. Euro. This is reported by the Jerusalem organization Palestinian Media Watch (PMW).
As PMW further writes, the Palestinian Authority only relaxed its regulations on the payment of terror pensions in February in order to be able to pay out money quickly and unbureaucratically to the terrorists imprisoned by Israel in connection with the massacres on October 7th. Before October 7, PMW continued, "the Palestinian Authority was spending between twelve and fourteen million euros per month to pay salaries to imprisoned terrorists, and with thousands of new imprisoned terrorists eligible for salaries, terrorist payments are likely to increase PA reach sixteen million euros per month.
That's sixteen million euros per month for the murderers of Jews. Money that Abbas only has because he receives generous financial aid from Germany amounting to over 300 million euros annually. They were even increased again after the October 7 massacres sponsored by the Palestinian Authority. German tax money flows to the murderers of Shani Louk, their accomplices and accomplices and their families. There are also billions from the EU.
There would be money for hospitals
Palestinian health care is dismal. The fact that this is the case is due to the fact that the Palestinian Authority prefers to transfer the money to terrorists, which is usually ignored in the German media. "If the Palestinian Authority decided to cut off its terrorist rewards for just one month, it could give the sixteen million euros to the hospital instead of rewarding terrorists," Itamar Marcus, director of Palestinian Media Watch, told Mena-Watch.
For the Palestinian Authority, paying salaries to terrorists has priority over everything else and it doesn't care how much its people will suffer as a result. "Mahmud Abbas has stated several times that the last penny he has will be used to reward terrorists and families of the so-called martyrs," Marcus notes. He points out that it is not just a matter of every euro spent by the Palestinian Authority on terror pensions no longer being available for health care.
That's part of the problem; The other, according to Marcus, is that the pie to be distributed is becoming smaller overall as a result of Abbas' policies: "Because the Palestinian Authority pays salaries to terrorists, it has already lost billions of euros in foreign support as well as hundreds of millions of dollars that Israel has received subsequently deducted from the tax transfers."
As a result, the Palestinian Authority has not paid its civil servants full salaries for three years. Marcus continues: »Now she is so far behind that she only gave her officials 65 per cent in March of this year 100% of their January salaries have been paid out. So it's only part of the salary and they have lost a whole month's salary. The hardships faced by the entire Palestinian population are unimaginable, and it is all because the Palestinian Authority values the rewards of terror over helping the decent Palestinian who simply wants to make a living.”
One would like to hear from the German federal government that it told Mahmoud Abbas to stop rewarding massacres of Jews. And you would like to know what he would say in response. Well, we actually already know: "Even if I had to resign from office, I would never compromise on the salary of a martyr (Shahid) or a prisoner," he has said in the past. Nothing changed about that.
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