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Only 9% of Palestinians think Hamas committed war crimes; 67% support Oct. 7 atrocities

Itamar Marcus  |

Shocking poll results in the latest poll by PSR! Only 9% of Palestinians think Hamas committed war crimes while a whopping 67% say the Oct. 7 attacks were a correct decision.

For those who still delude themselves into thinking that Palestinians are moderate, think again. For president, Palestinians overwhelmingly prefer the Hamas leader (46%) over the PA/Fatah leader (5%). Fatah is only preferred when their candidate is the terrorist Marwan Barghouti, a convicted murderer, who is serving 5 life sentences.  

This must be an eye-opener for Americans and Europeans who are pressuring Israel to accept the Palestinian Authority as a peace partner. The PA represents no one. The Palestinian population is not interested in peace. Mahmoud Abbas only represents himself. And if they ever have a future election, they are certain to elect a terrorist as president and Hamas to rule the parliament.   

The following are some of the most important findings in the latest poll by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PSR). Palestinians were questioned between May 26 and June 1, 2024. The poll includes Palestinians from the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

Was Hamas’ decision to launch the October 7 offensive correct or incorrect?

Correct: 67% (West Bank 73%, Gaza Strip 57%)

Incorrect: 26% (West Bank 17%, Gaza Strip 41%)

Are you satisfied with the performance in the war?

Hamas: 64% satisfied

Fatah (Palestinian Authority): 14% satisfied

War crimes

97% - Israel committed war crimes

9% - Hamas committed war crimes

Who should rule the Gaza Strip after the war?

Hamas: 71%

Current PA (with or without Abbas): 12%

A new PA: 16%

If presidential elections were held today between these two, for whom would you vote?

Mahmoud Abbas from Fatah: 5%

Ismail Haniyeh from Hamas: 46%

If presidential elections were held today between these three, for whom would you vote?

Mahmoud Abbas from Fatah: 2%

Ismail Haniyeh from Hamas: 23%

Marwan Barghouti from Fatah: 47%

If elections were held today for parliament, how would you vote?

Hamas: 31%

Fatah: 17%

Other parties: 4%

Will not vote or don’t know: 51%

Which side will win the war?

Hamas: 67%

Israel: 11%

89% say Mahmoud Abbas should resign.

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