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PA wants “new world order” of “Islamic world, Russia and China” to “realize justice”

Nan Jacques Zilberdik; Itamar Marcus  |
  • Abbas’ advisor calls for a “new multipolar world order” made up of “the Islamic world, Russia and China” to “realize justice”

  • Abbas’ advisor: “The Islamic world can be a superpower”

  • Russia: There is “partnership and coordination” with China uniting Fatah and Hamas, “and the connection this has to the struggle against American and Western imperialism in general and its criminal plans in the Arab world and the Middle East region”

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Speaking on behalf of “the State of Palestine,” PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’ advisor, Mahmoud Al-Habbash, called for a “new multipolar world order” at a conference in Russia last month. Al-Habbash explained that with the Islamic world’s potential to become a superpower, this new world order should comprise “the Islamic world, Russia and China.”

Al-Habbash’s rationale behind this new world order is so that “justice will prevail in human society” and to have a showdown with the “current world order lead by the US,” which is guilty of “all the crimes taking place in Palestine”:

PA Chairman Abbas’ Advisor on Religious Affairs and Islamic Relations Sheikh Mahmoud Al-Habbash:All the crimes that are taking place in Palestine exist with American agreement, American satisfaction, and American support, and therefore the US bears full responsibility for all the blood that is spilled, all the victims who die, and all the destruction that takes place… The US bears responsibility for the denial of the Palestinian people’s rights, because it sponsors the Israeli aggression, supports it, and aids it.”

[WAFA, official PA news agency, May 16, 2024]

The PA’s solution is a triumvirate of the Islamic world, Russia and China:

“Al-Habbash noted that the federative republic of Russia and the Islamic world constitute a world power together with one another. He said that Russia fundamentally is a superpower, and that the Islamic world can be a superpower because it has tremendous human resources, huge natural resources, capabilities, territory, one religion, and one language, and can constitute a world power together with Russia and China to formulate a new world order that will realize justice.”

[WAFA, official PA news agency, May 16, 2024]

On Russia Day last week, PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas sent “blessings and wishes progress and prosperity” to Russian President Vladimir Putin. Abbas sent representatives to the Russian embassy in Mauritania where they stressed the great efforts “the State of Palestine” is making “to tighten the ties of friendship and cooperation with Russia.” [WAFA, official PA news agency, June 12, 2024]

China too is popular with the PA. Abbas sent representatives from his Fatah Movement to Beijing to participate in dialogue with a Hamas delegation. China has taken upon itself the role of mediator of Fatah-Hamas unity attempts. [Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida website, May 16, 2024]

Following the meeting celebrating Russia Day, Fatah Central Committee member Azzam Al-Ahmad met with Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov who later issued a statement ensuring continued Russian and Chinese cooperation to “unite Palestinian ranks.” The statement also stressed “the struggle against American and Western imperialism in general and its criminal plans in the Arab world and the Middle East region”:

“The Russian Foreign Ministry issued a statement on the issues that were discussed, which said that Russian President [Vladimir Putin’s] Special Envoy for Middle East and African States Affairs Mikhail Bogdanov emphasized Moscow and Beijing’s intent to take part in uniting the Palestinian ranks. The statement also said: ‘It was agreed to continue the efforts to unite the Palestinian ranks in the West Bank, Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip based on the PLO’s political fundamentals, also through aid coordinated by Russia and China.’ The most important thing in the content of the Russian statement is emphasizing the partnership and coordination between Russia and China on everything concerning imposing their weight in order to dismantle the points of disagreement between Fatah and Hamas, and the connection this has to the struggle against American and Western imperialism in general and its criminal plans in the Arab world and the Middle East region.”

[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida website, May 16, 2024]

Palestinian Media Watch has documented that the PA fundamentally puts itself in the Russia and China camp and rejects a US leadership role in world affairs.

The following are longer excerpts of the statements cited above:

Headline: “Al-Habbash during an international conference in Russia: We must establish a new multipolar world order”

“[PA] Supreme Shari’ah Judge of Palestine and [PA] President [Mahmoud Abbas’] Advisor on Religious Affairs and Islamic Relations Sheikh Mahmoud Al-Habbash said that we must establish a new world order based on multipolarity, so that justice will prevail in human society and so that we will establish a human order based on balance, and if not – corruption will prevail in the world, because the strong will eat up the weak, the rich will eat up the poor, and thus the rule of the jungle will prevail.

Al-Habbash said this during a speech he gave on behalf of the State of Palestine at the 9th international conference of the strategic vision group ‘Russia – Islamic world,’ which is convening in the federative republic of Russia with the participation of delegations from all the states of the Islamic world and from Russia, clergy, religious scholars, and thinkers from all the world’s states.

The supreme Shari’ah judge added that in the shadow of the current world order the Nakba (i.e., “the catastrophe,” the Palestinian term for the establishment of the State of Israel) took place, whose 76th anniversary was yesterday [May 15, 2024]. He also said that the Palestinian people’s rights were lost in the shadow of this world order, which the US is leading or claims that it is leading, and that it wants to build a world order based on freedom and democracy. He noted that the Palestinian people is experiencing a new Nakba these days due to the Israeli aggression against our people in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including occupied Jerusalem (i.e., the 2023 Gaza war; see note below), which so far has inflicted more than 120,000 victims, Martyrs and wounded alike (refers to unverified Hamas figures -Ed.)…

Al-Habbash emphasized that in the shadow of the world order that the US is leading, all the crimes that are taking place in Palestine exist with American agreement, American satisfaction, and American support, and therefore the US bears full responsibility for all the blood that is spilled, all the victims who die, and all the destruction that takes place. He added that the US bears responsibility for the denial of the Palestinian people’s rights, because it sponsors the Israeli aggression, supports it, and aids it, and because it is the one that used the veto at the [UN] Security Council three times in seven months to prevent it from deciding on stopping the aggression, and because it is the one that used a veto yet again to prevent the Security Council from confirming the acceptance of the State of Palestine as a full UN member…Al-Habbash noted that the federative republic of Russia and the Islamic world constitute a world power together with one another. He said that Russia fundamentally is a superpower, and that the Islamic world can be a superpower because it has tremendous human resources, huge natural resources, capabilities, territory, one religion, and one language, and it is capable of constituting a world power together with Russia and China to formulate a new world order that will realize justice.”

[WAFA, official PA news agency, May 16, 2024]

Mahmoud Al-Habbash

Excerpt of a column by Omar Hilmi Al-Ghoul, regular columnist for official PA daily and former advisor to former PA Prime Minister Salam Fayyad on national affairs:

Headline: “The meeting in China opens the horizon”

“At the height of the Israeli war of annihilation against the Palestinian people (sic., refers to the 2023 Gaza war; see note below), the People’s Republic of China (PRC) – the rising international power – is striving to fulfill an active and effective role on the topic of Palestinian [Fatah-Hamas] reconciliation. This is out of an understanding of its responsibility as a central player in the international scene, and out of its moral and political commitment to its friends in the Arab world and the Middle East region…

Establishing what was mentioned above, the Chinese Foreign Ministry invited two delegations from the Fatah Movement and Hamas Movement to a meeting in Beijing on April 28-29 [2024], in order to complete the dialogues that took place in Moscow in late February and early March…

One of the most important results of the meeting in Beijing is the content of the discussion of [Fatah Central Committee member] Azzam Al-Ahmad with Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov, following the dialogue in Beijing. [Al-Ahmad] briefed him on the positive atmosphere, and following this the Russian Foreign Ministry issued a statement on the issues that were discussed, which said that  Russian President [Vladimir Putin’s] Special Envoy for Middle East and African States Affairs Mikhail Bogdanov emphasized Moscow and Beijing’s intent to take part in uniting the Palestinian ranks. The statement also said: ‘It was agreed to continue the efforts to unite the Palestinian ranks in the West Bank, Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip based on the PLO’s political fundamentals, also through aid coordinated by Russia and China.’ The most important thing in the content of the Russian statement is emphasizing the partnership and coordination between Russia and China on everything concerning imposing their weight in order to dismantle the points of disagreement between Fatah and Hamas, and the connection this has to the struggle against American and Western imperialism in general and its criminal plans in the Arab world and the Middle East region.”

[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida website, May 16, 2024] 

Mahmoud Al-Habbash

Omar Hilmi Al-Ghoul

Azzam Al-Ahmad

Hamas war on Israel October 2023

Headline: “Palestine participates in a Russia Day ceremony in Mauritania”

The State of Palestine participated in a welcoming ceremony held by the Russian embassy in Nouakchott, the capital of Mauritania, on the occasion of Russia Day.

[PA] President [Mahmoud Abbas’] Special Representative, [official PA] Presidential Office Spokesman, and Fatah Movement Central Committee member Nabil Abu Rudeina and Ambassador of the State of Palestine in Mauritania Muhammad Al-As’ad conveyed the blessings of President Mahmoud Abbas to Russia and [Russian] President Vladimir Putin on the occasion of Russia Day, and also wishes of progress and prosperity.They emphasized that the State of Palestine is taking pains to tighten the ties of friendship and cooperation with Russia, because this is an interest for the two states and two brotherly peoples. ”

[WAFA, official PA news agency, June 12, 2024]


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