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The West and imperialism established Israel to “divide the Arab region”

An interview with Palestinian National Council (i.e., the legislative body of the PLO) Chairman Rawhi Fattouh.

Palestinian National Council Chairman Rawhi Fattouh: “Israel is a functional state. It was established according to the will of the West and imperialism. Therefore, it is in the region to protect these interests of global colonialism and imperialism… The idea of establishing an Israeli state, or a partition state that would divide the Arab region, is an ancient idea… After the 1907 Campbell-Bannerman document, and [later] the Balfour Promise (i.e., Declaration), [the idea of Israel] became essential for colonialism and its interests, due to fear of Arab unity in the Arab region… that would be a replacement for Western civilization… [To prevent] this it was necessary to implant a foreign body in the region… Thus came Israel as a functional state. All the support that is coming to the State of Israel, from the US and prior to that from Britain and other states – is meant to preserve the essential interests, especially because ours is the region of [the source of] energy in the world, in addition to the strategic location... Therefore the process [began] of entangling the Arab region in consecutive wars and preventing it from the possibility of establishing national unity or Arab solidarity… Israel needs to strike, needs to fight, needs to remain in a state of war, and in constant motion for expansion and annexation and launching wars. Israel’s enemy is peace, and not war. When there is an Arab power that grows, it must be struck and shelled… Therefore, this existing body must play [a role] in the region by launching recurring wars.”

[Official PA TV, From the Depths of Memory, April 12, 2024]


Rawhi Fattouh also serves as Fatah Commissioner of International Relations and Fatah Central Committee member.

"The Campbell-Bannerman plan"

The Balfour Declaration

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