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If terrorists’ salaries are “only obstacle for ending the occupation” it will be solved - PLO official

Director of PLO Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs Qadura Fares: “In addition to this matter being in the [PA] laws, it is also in the constitution, according to which the PA guarantees a dignified life for the [families of the] Martyrs, the prisoners, and the wounded (i.e., terrorists) as a matter of principle. This appears in the constitution. The moment the world will give us a comprehensive plan with a comprehensive schedule, and it will become clear that the only obstacle to ending the occupation and realizing the Palestinian people’s goal of freedom, independence, and establishing a Palestinian state in the June 1967 borders whose capital is Jerusalem, if the only obstacle will be the prisoners’ salaries, the prisoners will resolve [it].”

[Wattan (independent Palestinian news agency), YouTube channel,
Aug. 18, 2024]

PA terror salaries

Constitution of “Palestine 2003 (rev. 2005)”

“... Article 22

… 2. Maintaining the welfare of families of martyrs, prisoners of war, the injured and the disabled is a duty that shall be regulated by law. The National Authority shall guarantee these persons education, health and social insurance.”

Excerpt from the PA law on salaries to terrorists:

Law of Prisoners and Released Prisoners number 19 of 2004

[December 2004]

  1. The prisoners and released prisoners are a fighting sector, and an inseparable part of the Palestinian society, and this law is meant to ensure dignified lives for them and their families
  1. For the realization of the goals of the law, the National Authority is acting with all possible means for the following:
  1. The release of the prisoners from the occupation’s prisons
  2. Providing all the legal aid to the prisoners
  3. Providing the financial rights to the prisoner and his family, according to the clauses of this law and in accordance with the salary ranking that is customary
  4. Providing a possibility of education for the prisoner and his children
  5. Training for released prisoners
  6. Ensuring jobs for the released prisoners, according to criteria that will take into consideration the years the prisoner spent in prison and his education, according to a mechanism that the government will publish.

Qadura Fares also formerly served as Chairman of the Prisoners’ Club and is a former PA minister without portfolio and former member of PA Parliament.

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