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Europeans created Israel to steal oil, now Israel wants the gas in Gaza - top Fatah official

Fatah Central Committee member Abbas Zaki: "[The Europeans] could have put Israel in Uganda or in Argentina, but then oil was discovered [in the Middle East], and they wanted to establish this human body in Palestine to separate between the Arab west and east, to impose their hegemony on the region's resources to prevent the Arabs from [creating] their unity and their future. Today [natural] gas has also been found in the northwest Gaza Strip, and an opportunity was created for them [Israel] to expel the Gaza Strip [residents] and eliminate its existence."

[Lebanese TV channel Spot Shot, YouTube channel, Dec. 26, 2023]

Abbas Zaki

The "opportunity created for them" refers to the 2023 Gaza war which PA and Fatah leaders see as "Israeli aggression," claiming Israel exploits the war to "empty Gaza of Palestinians."

Hamas war on Israel October 2023

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