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The Palestinians “own the land and history,” Israel “searches for false ‎narratives to connect Jews” to the land – PA official

Director-General of the PA Ministry of Culture and Antiquities in the Nablus District Dirgham Al-Fares: "The Palestinian people are a direct continuation of the original inhabitants from the Stone Age to the present (sic., see note below). The Palestinian people were pagan, who worshipped El, Baal, Ishtar, and Anat, and it is the people that developed the concept of God and adopted the Jewish religion, Christianity, and Islam. Therefore, the Palestinian people own the land and history, and all the antiquities in it are the property of the Palestinian people. The Palestinian people [of today] is the legitimate heir, and everything the occupation (i.e., Israel) says is untrue… Everyone knows that the Zionist claims are no longer historically acceptable. What connects world Jewry to Palestine is a religious connection… The occupation… knows that the religious connection gives it a right to religious tourism, not occupation. So it searches for false ideas and narratives with which it tries to connect the Jew who comes from Poland, Russia, America or any place in the world as if he has an ethnic connection."

[Official PA TV, Resolve and Confrontation, Nov. 27, 2024]

Note: The Palestinians have no history prior to the modern period, while an abundance of evidence proves Jewish history in Israel.

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