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Israel is Pandora with a box of weapons supplied by West (Zeus) “to sow death” – official Palestinian Authority daily

Nan Jacques Zilberdik  |

Remember the Greek myth about Pandora's box which, when opened, released evil and suffering upon the world? A column in the official Palestinian Authority daily will refresh your memory, as it compares "the colonial West" to Zeus giving Israel—Pandora—a box of weapons that Israel opened and that now sows death and destruction in the world:

"I currently recall this Greek myth… Zeus is the colonialist West, and the West is Zeus. When he established the Israeli entity on the Palestinian lands, Zeus knew and understood that it is ‘the beautiful tragedy,' which will sow death, killing, destabilization, conflicts, disagreements, and hostility in the region.

When he presented it the [Pandora's] box—the stockpiles of smart weapons, airports, terrifying jets, and expansive army bases, he knew that the box would break, and that all the disasters within it would scatter and spread out until they would destroy life…

And here, the Israeli entity…is murdering, threatening, going crazy, going wild, and adopting racism in every way against the residents of the Palestinian land, who filled it with beauty thousands of years ago and planted all goodness in it…

The West, like Zeus, knows what its two hands have done, and knows the malicious goals that it sought to achieve through its handiwork."

[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Nov. 24, 2024]

This allegory is yet another attempt by the PA to rewrite history while demonizing Israel and the West. Although there is no history of Arabs known as Palestinians before the modern period, the Palestinian Authority constantly claims, as documented by Palestinian Media Watch, that Israelis/Jews are foreigners in "Palestine" who were planted by the colonialist West and who are responsible for all "death and killing."

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