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Terrorist prisoners are “heroes,” “rifle should be aimed” at Israel – Fatah member

Official PA TV, on celebrations in Ramallah for the 60th anniversary of the Intilaqa, "the Launch" of Fatah, counted from its first terror attack against Israel

Follow-up Commission for Prisoners' Affairs Director and Fatah member  Amin Shuman: "On behalf of all of you, we send a blessing to our prisoners (i.e., terrorists) in the prisons of the occupation (i.e., Israel), to the proud upright ones, to the leaders who do not bow down, to you our brother Marwan [Barghouti] (i.e., terrorist)... To you the heroes of the prison cells… to you Zakariya Zubeidi (i.e., terrorist)… and all the heroes of the Jenin [refugee] camp, the camp of Martyr ‘Abu Jandal' (i.e., terrorist), who all the [Palestinian] lawbreakers need to learn from him that the Palestinian rifle should only be directed towards the chest of the occupation."

[Official PA TV, Dec. 31, 2024]

Marwan Barghouti

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