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Ministry of Culture holds symposium glorifying terrorist Thaer Hammad

"The Ministry of Culture and the Prisoners' Club held a cultural symposium yesterday in the Hebron district building, entitled, “Studying the book ‘Flame of the Fire – the Wadi Al-Haramiyeh Operation,’ written by the man who carried it out [the operation], Thaer Hammad,” as part of the events commemorating Prisoners' Day… Director of the Prisoners' Club in Hebron, Amjad Al-Najar, thanked the Ministry of Culture for the interest which it has shown in prison literature, and for choosing this true story of the heroic prisoner Thaer Hamad, which demonstrates the Palestinian's connection with his land and his readiness to sacrifice in order to defend his dignity."

Note: Thaer Hammad murdered 10 Israelis in 2002.

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