Educational TV retells legend of honorable mother of Shahids
A young child to his father: “My father, who is this woman?”
Father: “This is the poet ... Al-Khansa. She was one of the prettiest women of her time…”
Host: “When [before she adopted Islam] her brother Mu’awiya died, and after that her brother Sakhr died, she became extremely mournful because of them.”
Al-Khansa: “I was extremely saddened for Sakhr, until my eyes became blind. In Al-Qadisiyah battle my four sons became Shahids.”
Father: “When she was told of her four sons’ deaths, she pleaded to the Creator, to him be the glory and power, and said, “Praise Allah, who granted me honor with their deaths.”
Note: Al-Khansa - an Arab woman and poet from the earliest period of Islam (7th century) famous and honored in Islamic tradition for sending her four sons to battle and rejoiced when they all died as Martyrs. She has been lauded by the PA and often presented as a role model for mothers.