Suicide terrorists are "greatest role models," says EU-funded NGO for youth on PA TV
On May 31, 2012, Israel transferred the bodies of 91 terrorists including numerous suicide bombers to the Palestinian Authority. The PA TV program for youth Speak Up glorified the 91 terrorists. The TV program is co-produced by PA TV and PYALARA, an NGO for youth funded by the EU, Save the Children and other international donors.
PA TV Host: "Unfortunately, we couldn't part from them (i.e., the terrorists) or even embrace them, but were satisfied standing before their bodies, standing up before their sanctified message: The homeland won't die, but we will die for it. These [Martyrs] are more honored than all of us... They are the greatest role models for us, not only because they fought and struggled for the homeland, but also because they went beyond the sacrifice [of] strain and effort, to the stage where they actually sacrificed their lives for the homeland."
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