Suicide terrorists are "greatest role models," says EU-funded NGO for youth on PA TV
PA youth taught that suicide terrorists
are "greatest role models"
on EU-funded NGO's TV program
are "greatest role models"
on EU-funded NGO's TV program
by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
Last week, Israel transferred the bodies of 91 terrorists including numerous suicide bombers to the Palestinian Authority. A PA TV program for youth, Speak Up, glorified the 91 terrorists saying they were:
"More honored than all of us... They are the greatest role models for us."
The TV program is co-produced by PA TV and PYALARA, an NGO for youth funded by the EU, Save the Children and other international donors.The following is the statement on PA TV honoring the terrorists:
PA TV Host: "Unfortunately, we couldn't part from them (i.e., the terrorists) or even embrace them, but were satisfied standing before their bodies, standing up before their sanctified message: The homeland won't die, but we will die for it."
Co-Host: "These [Martyrs] are more honored than all of us... They are the greatest role models for us, not only because they fought and struggled for the homeland, but also because they went beyond the sacrifice [of] strain and effort, to the stage where they actually sacrificed their lives for the homeland."
Co-Host: "These [Martyrs] are more honored than all of us... They are the greatest role models for us, not only because they fought and struggled for the homeland, but also because they went beyond the sacrifice [of] strain and effort, to the stage where they actually sacrificed their lives for the homeland."
[PA TV (Fatah), June 3, 2012]
Click to viewPalestinian Media Watch reported that the PA leadership participated in a national funeral treating these 91 terrorists as heroes and Islamic Martyrs. At the funeral, suicide bombers and other terrorists were presented as role models for others to "follow in their path."
This is the second time in a few weeks that EU-funded PYALARA has chosen to glorify terrorists. In May, PYALARA, on its other PA TV program Jerusalem Scenes, honored Palestinian terrorist prisoners serving multiple life sentences for planning suicide bombings that murdered many Israelis. The TV crew visited the homes and interviewed family members of three terrorists of the "Silwan cell," which was responsible for terror attacks in 2002, including:
- Hebrew University cafeteria, 9 killed
- Cafe Moment in Jerusalem, 11 killed
- Sheffield Club in Rishon LeZion,15 killed
The terrorists of the "Silwan cell" whose homes were visited by PA TV and PYALARA:- Cafe Moment in Jerusalem, 11 killed
- Sheffield Club in Rishon LeZion,15 killed
1. Wisam Al-Abbasi, sentenced to 26 life sentences and another 40 years
2. Muhammad Ouda, sentenced to 9 life sentences and another 40 years
3. Alaa Al-Din Al-Abbasi, sentenced to 60 years
The mother of the terrorist Wisam Al-Abbasi who is serving 26 life-sentences said on TV:
"I am proud and pride myself on having a son in prison."
The father-in-law of terrorist Alaa Al-Abbasi who is serving 60 years told the PYALARA interviewer:
"I always remember Alaa - a person of exalted moral values."
Click to viewThe following is the transcript of the PA TV's visit to the homes of terrorist prisoners on the program Jerusalem Scenes, produced jointly by PYALARA and PA TV:
PA TV host: "More than 250 prisoners from Jerusalem are held in the occupation's prisons, most of them on a hunger strike. It is our duty to visit the families of some of the prisoners, to hear from them and to see how they encourage their children to continue in the path of their struggle against the Israeli occupation.
The first prisoner from Silwan, Jerusalem, whom we wish to visit is Wisam Al-Abbasi, who was given 26 life sentences and another 40 years. In other words, in total he is meant to serve 2,614 years in the occupation's prisons."
In the home of prisoner Wisam Al-Abbasi:
Host: "Hello, how are you?"
Mother: "I'm the mother of prisoner Wisam Al-Abbasi, who was given 26 life sentences and another 40 years. I am proud and pride myself on having a son in prison."
Mother: "I'm the mother of prisoner Wisam Al-Abbasi, who was given 26 life sentences and another 40 years. I am proud and pride myself on having a son in prison."
In the home of prisoner Muhammad Ouda:
Host: "We are visiting now the home of another prisoner from Jerusalem, Muhammad Ouda. Ouda has been imprisoned in the occupation's prisons for more than 10 years, and was sentenced to 9 life sentences and another 40 years."
In the home of prisoner Alaa Al-Din Al-Abbasi:
Wife: "He was sentenced to 60 years. We were told [he was one of] the four men of the Silwan cell."
Father-in-law: "I always remember Alaa - a person of exalted moral values."
Father-in-law: "I always remember Alaa - a person of exalted moral values."
[PA TV (Fatah), May 18, 2012]
PYALARAand Speak Up []
PYALARA's website lists the following as sponsors:

The TV host telling youth to view terrorists and suicide bombers as "role models" corresponds with PYALARA's agenda, as its website states that creating "role models" is one of the important purposes of its TV program:
"The greatest success of [the youth program] Speak Up [Arabic- "Alli Sotak"] comes from its peer-to-peer approach, in which young people act as role models and reach out to their own peers through their active role in reporting..."
For names and description of the suicide bombers honored among the 91 terrorists see PMW's recent bulletin.