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Palestinian NGO removed donor list from its website following PMW report

Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik  |
Palestinian NGO
removes international donor list
from its website following PMW report

by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

Following Palestinian Media Watch's report on the program for youth produced by the Palestinian NGO PYALARA and PA TV that glorified suicide bombers, PYALARA removed all reference to its international donors from their website.

PMW reported that PYALARA listed the European Commission Humanitarian Aid Office, Save the Children UK and Cordaid as funders. Currently, all that remains on the donor page is this sentence:


"PYALARA has received generous grants from private and public sources both domestic and international ... Special sponsors include:"


These words are now followed by a blank page as the names of all the "special donors" have been removed.

PMW already reported that Save the Children UK had responded that they would investigate PYALARA following PMW's report. PMW has not yet received a response from our last inquiry to Save the Children about PYALARA's removal of its donor page.

The following are screen shots of PYALARA's webpage before and after PMW's report:



[Before, June 14, 2012][After, June 19, 2012]



[, accessed June 24, 2012]
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