Israel is monster that eats children, in Palestinian art on PA TV
Israel is monster that eats Palestinian children,
in Palestinian art on PA TV
in Palestinian art on PA TV
by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
A Palestinian Authority TV host asked an artist to discuss one of his paintings "dealing with the Palestinian nation's problems such as the Gaza massacres."
This is the painting:

The Palestinian artist said this painting "is about the Gaza massacre... and the Zionist enemy's cruelty and savagery."
Click to view
The painting shows an ogre impaling children on his bayonet and eating them one by one. On the lower right, dead children are piled up to be eaten and two baby ogres are also shown eating children. The three monsters wear skull caps with a Star of David. The scene is taking place in the ogre's underground lair under cactuses that are growing on the surface. A Star of David is also painted on the lock of the lair.

Click to view other PA cartoons that demonize Israelis and depict them as animals or of sub-human nature.
The following is the transcript of the Palestinian artist describing his picture:
PA TV host: "Artist Abd Al-Hai Msallam has been dealing with the Palestinian nation's problems such as the Gaza massacres."
PA TV host: "What have you been working on lately?"
Artist Abd Al-Hai Msallam: "This painting is about the Gaza massacre. Here I show the people, the kids, and the Zionist enemy's cruelty and savagery."
[PA TV (Fatah), July 13, 2012]