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PA daily reports on Egyptian athlete who refused to shake hands with his Israeli competitor

(Original report from Pal Sport, London)
Headline: “Egyptian judoka Darwish defeats his Israeli rival and refuses to shake his hand”
"During the evening meal [ending the Ramadan fast] and on the way from the auditorium to the living quarters, we conducted this exclusive interview with Egyptian judoka Ramadan Darwish. He has a special story related to the Palestinian cause: the notable stand which he took at the recent world championships in Germany, when he beat the Israeli judoka Arik Ze'evi, and did not shake his hand at the end of the match, in response to their (i.e., Israeli) acts and policies against the Palestinian people…
Darwish said: 'I faced him [Ze'evi] in Moscow during the January 25 revolution in Egypt. I hadn't trained regularly and was not ready for the fight, and at that time I ended up in the group of the Israeli judoka, Arik Ze'evi. I decided to take him on, and most unfortunately I lost the fight, and I refused to congratulate him after the match. I was subjected to great ridicule by the various media at the time, but that incident wasn't the end of the story. At the world championships in Germany, I was ready for the fight against him, and I fought the Israeli Arik Ze'evi. I beat him, and once again I didn't congratulate him, in order to emphasize what happened in Moscow. This angered them greatly, because I beat him and didn't shake his hand.'"

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